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  • Writer's pictureCrystal Soto


Updated: May 4, 2021


By: Terry Geo

I am excited I saw this book on social media. I generally don't read from the Sci-fi genre. I am happy something about the book drew me in and I began the journey into this novel. It took me less than 24 hours to finish it!

I loved how the author started us off with the characters' backstory. I felt like I knew each character and was rooting for each of them, especially Terrell.

This book was so creative, it makes you question, what is possible? Could this ever be reality? It made me want to visit the museum and see the exhibits for myself. I absolutely loved the descriptions of the aparaitions and each character that was housed there.

There were many areas of suspense that in the beginning I was trying to guess who was the culprit. The ending was a twist I didn't see coming.

This Author did such an amazing job in this story that I will be reading all his future work.

The way he crafted this book world, from the descriptions allowing the reader to visualize exactly what is happening, to the characters he built up. I loved it and would recommend this book to anyone.


Most stories start at the beginning, this one begins at the end, at least for Maria.

Events around her death result in the formation of Silicate, a privately funded facility studying the human mind.

If you could dream anything into existence, what would it be? Your favourite animated character? A date with a supermodel? Spending time with a lost love? How about an army of soldiers who can’t be harmed?

Embark on an epic adventure that spans this life and the next. Discover the secrets hidden within all of us and set your imagination free.

The world you know, is only half the story.

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