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  • Writer's pictureCrystal Soto

Only You: Hearts in Arcadia

Updated: Jun 3, 2021

Goodreads: Only You: Hearts in Arcadia

By Cate Cole

Lucy and Ryan start their romance in a small beach town, where Lucy lives. Lucy's past makes it hard for her to trust a relationship on face value. Having been burned by life in the past, she doesn't trust good things could build from a new relationship with Ryan.

Lucy is the down to earth next door neighbor that Ryan wants in his life. Her genuine nature and that she is authentic is exactly what Ryan has been missing in his life. Always being surrounded by people who only want his connection based off of what he could provide for their status with the elite crowd is growing tiresome.

There's one catch to being with Lucy, Ryan has to play by her rules, complete with a contract.

He has a limited time to convince Lucy that he's different and wouldn't let her down in life.

A news leak reveals a plan Ryan had been working on, but hadn't told Lucy. Lucy feels betrayed. She immediately assumes the worst. She ends their "contract" early due to the betrayal she feels.

Ryan has a one last ditch effort to prove he can provide her a happy ever after and that life can be good for them and it wouldn't be a repeat of the past.

This was a wonderful romance that left you pulling for Ryan. Lucy had great reasonings as it's hard to open yourself up after life has knocked you down a few times. To want to hide in the comfort of her own bubble where she knew she was safe.

I loved that the story wasn't all sunshine and Ryan had to prove himself and had to work to earn Lucy's trust. I also loved that he didn't expect her to always

give in. That he allowed her room and respected her choices even if it meant he couldn't get what he wanted.

This was a fabulous story and I can't wait to read more from this author.

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